Netflix: Stranger Things

Netflix: Stranger Things

“We unleashed the scariest Stranger Things experience on Roblox, immersing players in a haunted school dance where they must dodge Demogorgons, Demodogs, and Demobats while solving ever-changing challenges.”

In this chilling expansion of Netflix’s Nextworld, the festivities abruptly end when rifts to the Upside Down start tearing through the venue. Players can team up with three friends or go solo to lure creatures away and call for backup - but every new play session presents different tasks. Rifts become crucial puzzle points, bridging our reality and the Upside Down, and Dustin remains a trusty sidekick via walkie-talkie to guide you through each tense encounter. The catch? Too much noise draws the Demogorgon’s attention, and if it gets you, it’s game over. By crafting a dynamic, replayable horror environment, we ensured fans of Stranger Things had a riveting reason to keep returning to Nextworld.

Netflix: Stranger Things
Netflix: Stranger Things
Netflix: Stranger Things